Captains of Crush Hand Grippers vs Heavy Grips Hand Grippers.
We would like to compare the two hand grippers that are probably the most popular on the market in Australia. Captains of Crush Hand Grippers vs Heavy Grips Hand Grippers.
As you can see in the picture the Captains of Crush gripper is a wider set. With a wider set it does make you work a lot harder to close the gripper.
The knurling on the Captains of Crush gripper is much more superior to the Heavy Grips and to pick the two up to compare it is easy to tell that the grip is much better on the Captains of Crush gripper.
The ratings on the Heavy Grips is different to the Captains of Crush Gripper.
HG150 = COC Trainer
HG200 = COC #1
HG250 = COC #2
HG300 = COC #2.5
HG350 = COC #3
HG400 = COC #3.5
If you are seriously in to increasing your grip Captains of Crush Grippers are the way to go.
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