CoC Silver Bullet combines strength, endurance and power in one movement, perfect for training and competitions. Mark your best effort by squeezing the CoC Silver Bullet between the handles of your CoC gripper.
The updated version of strap holds, you hang a small weight from the strap, slip the end of the CoC Silver Bullet in between the handles of your favorite Captains of Crush gripper, and clamp down and hang on for dear life. If you let the gripper open up even a hair, the CoC Silver Bullet will fall to the ground (watch out for your feet!), marking your best effort.
The CoC Silver Bullet Hold has become a staple at top grip contests around the world–it’s a real crowd pleaser. Besides being a lot of fun for competitors and spectators alike, the CoC Silver Bullet solves a major problem in the grip(per) world: it doesn’t matter if you think your hands are too big, too small or just the right size for grippers, this is one gripper event that levels the playing field.
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